(We did this in class)
Fill in your answer sheet and check your answers.

#1. Name this organelle.

#2. Give the  function for #1.


#3.These membrane sacs are called _________.


#4. Name this integral protein found in cell membranes that helps in cell identification.


Image modified from: Big Biology Coloring Book
#5. Name this organelle.

#6.Give a function for #5.


#7. Match the molecule that helps make cell walls sturdy with the organism in which it is found

PLANTS ____________________
BACTERIA ___________________
FUNGI _________________________




#8. Membranes that allow certain substances to pass through, but keep other out are called _____________  ____________

#9.The folded membranes inside a mitochondrion are called ________.

#10. The DNA with attached proteins that is SCRUNCHED UP in DIVIDING cells is called ______________

#11. Name a cell part made from MICROTUBULES.

#12. Give the function of this colored cell part.


#13. Ribsomes can be found attached to_____________.

#14. Membrane proteins that stick into the cell membrane either part way or all the way through are called ______________ proteins.

#15. ________________and ___________ are the two main molecules that make up cell membranes.

#16. ____________ are the smallest kind of cell.

   Plant cells          Animal cells           Bacterial cells


#17. The gel-like fluid and the organelles it contains which is found inside the cell membrane is called ____________________.

#18. An organism with a nuclear membrane and membrane bound organelles is called a _________________.

#19. Name the 2 organelles BESIDES THE NUCLEUS that have a DOUBLE MEMBRANE AND their OWN DNA.


#20. Name an organelle that has this arrangement of microtubules.


#21. Name a part found in plant cells but not animal or bacterial cells.

Trace the path a protein (like insulin) would follow from where it is made to the exit if it is going to be exported from the cell.

→ _______________→_________________→___________________


#23. Which part acts as the UPS/post office of the cell to sort, modify, and package molecules for transport out of the cell?


#24. Name this part.


#25. Tell what it does.


#26. Give an example of an organism that is a EUKARYOTE.

#27. Tell one way animal cells and bacterial cells are different.

#28. Name A.


#29. Give its function.




#30. Name C

#31. Give a function.



  32. Tell one way cilia are different from flagella.


#33. Name the cell part that joins subunits like this to make a bigger macromolecule.

#34. Motor proteins can be found "walking" along on which cell part to move chromosomes during mitosis?

Match the membranes found inside with the cell part  
Mitochondria  _________________________

Chloroplasts  ____________________________

Golgi bodies _____________________________



#36. When water enters a plant cell the osmotic pressure inside will _______.      increase   OR   decrease

#37. The dots in this diagram represent dissolved solute molecules.  This diagram represents a cell placed in a ______ solution.

           hypotonic     isotonic     hypertonic 

#38. The cell in the diagram will _____.

          shrink       swell & burst     stay the same size

#39  The swelling and possibly bursting of an animal cell when placed in a HYPOTONIC solution is called _______________.

     plasmolysis              cytolysis         crenation

#40. Membrane proteins that help water molecules move across cell membranes are called ______________________

#41.  The diffusion of WATER from high concentration to LOW concentration across a semi-permeable membrane is called ______________.

#42.  Molecules will automatically move from an area with _______ concentration to an area of ________ concentration.

              low to high                                        high to low

#43. What keeps a plant cell from bursting when placed in a hypotonic liquid?

44.  This egg lost water because it was placed in a ______ solution. 

          hypertonic     isotonic      hypotonic      

 #45.  Name the two ways cells use to help molecules get across cell membranes  if they can't go across by themselves. 

#46. The Endosymbiotic theory explains the origin of which TWO cell organelles?

#47. The dots in this diagram represent dissolved solute molecules.  This diagram represents a cell placed in a ______ solution.

           hypotonic     isotonic     hypertonic 

#48. The cell in the diagram will _____.

          shrink       swell & burst     stay the same size

49. Give one example of evidence for the Endosymbiotic Theory.


































1. Mitochondria                                                     
2. Powerplant/Burn glucose/make ATP                  
3. Thylakoids                                                       
4. Glycoproteins                                                 
5. Smooth ER                                                           
6. make lipids,
     regulate Ca++ in muscles,
     break down toxins in liver                                                         
7.  Plants-cellulose
    Bacteria- peptidoglycan

8. Selectively permeable OR semi-permeable                                                         
9. Cristae
10. Chromosomes
11. Cilia, flagella, cytoskeleton, centrioles
12. Make RNA for ribosomes
13. Rough ER
14. integral
15. Phospholipids + proteins
16. bacterial cell are the smallest
17. cytoplasm
18. eukaryote
19. Mitochondria & Chloroplasts
20. 9 + 2 = Cilia or flagella
21. chloroplasts, really BIG vacuole, cell wall made of cellulose
22. made on ribosomes
→ transported through Rough ER → processed by Golgi body → out through Plasma membrane
23. Golgi
25. Guide chromosomes apart during cell division
26. Plant or animal or Fungi




No nucleus

Have membrane bound organelles
(ER, Golgi, lysosomes, mitochondria, etc)

No membrane bound organelles

No cell wall

Have a cell wall


No centrioles








28. chloroplast
29. photosynthesis
30, vacuole
31. storage
32. Cilia- many, short; Flagella- few, long
33. RIBOSOMES use amino acids to make proteins
34. cytoskeleton
35. MITOCHONDRIA – Cristae
      CHLOROPLASTS – thylakoids
      GOLGI BODIES – cisternae

36. increase
37. hypertonic
shrink (Solute sucks!)
39. cytolysis

40. aquaporins
 higher to lower
43.  It has a cell wall
44.  hypertonic
45.  membrane proteins and vesicles
46.  mitochondria and chloroplasts
47.  hypotonic
48. swell & Burst (Solute sucks!)
Mitochondria & chloroplasts:
      are only cell parts with double membrane
      have phospholipids in inner membranes like bacteria
      divide using binary fission like bacteria
      have a single, circular loop of DNA like bacteria