Meiosis review- We did this is class. Fill in your answer sheet and check your answers at the end.

1. _____________ is a kind of cell division that produces haploid cells with ½ the number of chromosomes of the parent cell.

   A. mitosis

   B. meiosis 


2. During oogenesis, the cytoplasm is divided UNEVENLY so that only one mature egg is produced along with three _________________.

3. The pairing up of homologous chromosomes during meiosis is called _______________.

4. Cells undergo meiosis to ________________.

   A.  grow bigger

   B.  repair injuries

   C.  replace worn out cells

   D.  make gametes


5. The group of 4 chromatids that forms during synapsis is called a _____________.


6. The exchange of genetic material between arms of homologous chromosomes is called________. 

7. During which phase of meiosis does synapsis happen?

8. During which phase of meiosis does crossing over happen?    

9. During which phase of meiosis does independent assortment happen?

10. In MEIOSIS a 2n parent cell divides to produce (Pick one answer for each blank)
   _____   ______________   _____   cells

   2 or 4   identical/different   1n/2n


11. The production of mature sperm cells is called ___________________.


Description: RandomAssortment12. The random separation and mixing up of maternal and paternal chromosomes during anaphase I is called ____________________.






13. The production of offspring from one parent without joining gametes is called _____________ reproduction.

14. What happens to the polar bodies produced during oogenesis? 

15. Tell one advantage of asexual reproduction.

16. Name the three processes that happen during meiosis which result in genetic recombination.

17. Body cells are also called __________ cells.

18. 2n cells that have two copies of each kind of chromosome are called ____________.

19. Sperm and egg cells are also called ________

20. The production of mature egg cells is called __________________.

21. ____________ cells have one copy of each chromosome. 

22. Tell the phase that gets skipped in meiosis.

23. Name the cell part that provides the energy to move the chromosomes during meiosis.

24. Name the cell part that helps polar bodies do apoptosis.

25. Where in the body would you expect to find cells undergoing meiosis? 

26. Tell one advantage of sexual reproduction.

Description: segregation arrows27. The separation of homologous chromosomes during meiosis is called _____________.







28. Why does meiosis during spermatogenesis produce 4 sperm cells but meiosis during oogenesis produce only 1 egg cell?

29. Sperm or egg cells are _______________.

                            haploid  or  diploid


30, 31. 32.
Tell 3 ways mitosis and meiosis are different























1. meiosis
2. polar bodies
3. synapsis
4. D. make gametes  (A-C are reasons to do mitosis)
5. tetrad
6. crossing over
7. Prophase I
8. Prophase I
9. Anaphase I
10. 4 different 1n
11.  spermatogenesis
12. independent assortment
13. asexual
14. Self digest using apoptosis
15. Don’t need a partner; make lots of offspring fast
16. Crossing over, segregation, independent assortment
17. somatic
18. diploid
19. gametes
20. oogenesis
21. Haploid (1n)
22. Interphase II
23. mitochondria
24. lysosomes
25. ovary or testes
26. Provides variety; allows species to adapt to changes in environment; foundation for evolution
27. segregation
28. All cytoplasm ends up in one cell to provide best start for growing baby
29. haploid



Makes cells that are identical to parent and each other

Makes cells that are different from parent and each other

Makes 2n diploid cells

Makes 1n haploid cells

Makes 2 daughter cells

Makes 4 daughter cells

Makes somatic cells

Makes gametes

Used for growth; repair injuries;
replace worn out cells

Used for sexual reproduction

Happens in all kinds of body cells

Happens only in ovary/testes cells

NO synapsis/crossing over

Synapsis/crossing over in Prophase I

NO segregation
NO independent assortment

Segregation/Independent assortment at Anaphase I

Copy DNA every time  cell divides

Divide twice; copy DNA once
skip Interphase II

NO genetic recombination

Genetic recombination