This is the card review we did in class.

Fill in the answers on your answer sheet. You can check answers with your teacher at the end.

1. Who is called the “Father of Genetics”?

2. The different alternatives or choices for a gene are called _____________.

3. If you cross two DOMINANT looking parents and get a RECESSIVE looking offspring, the parents must both be _____________

   A.   HOMOZYGOUS for the trait
   HETEROZYGOUS for the trait
   PURE for the trait
   IMPOSSIBLE; Dominant looking parents can’t have a recessive looking offspring

4. Crossing organisms from the F1 generation produces the _____ generation.
         A.    P2
    None of these-
you can’t cross F1 organisms with each other!

5. The passing of characteristics from parent to offspring is called _______________. 

6. A gene choice that MASKS ANOTHER choice for a trait is called _____________.

7. Which of the following genotypes is HETEROZYGOUS?

        TT      bb       Mm       RR        gg


8. ____________ is another name for HOMOZYGOUS.


9. PP and Pp pea plants both have purple flowers. This is an example of _________
A.Complete dominance
 Incomplete dominance


10. Which of the following genotypes is HOMOZYGOUS?

   Bb        Mm         Rr         TT        Ee


11. In pea plants, Tallness (T) is dominant over shortness (t). Write the genotype of a PURE SHORT organism.


12. Red flowered plants crossed with white flowered plants producing PINK flowered offspring is an example of ______________
A. Complete dominance
 Incomplete dominance


13. The way an organism looks is called its ______________________.


14. A gene choice that is MASKED or HIDDEN BY ANOTHER choice for a trait is called _____________.


15. A red haired horse crossed with white haired horse producing roan (red and white haired) offspring OR a blood type A mom and a blood type B dad having a type AB baby are examples of __________________
A.Complete dominance
 Incomplete dominance
C. Codominance


16. A Reebop with the  genotype Aa  is
__________________ for antenna genes.

    pure   OR   hybrid


Image by Riedell

17. Crossing organisms from the P
1  generation produces the _____ generation.
     A. P
B. F1
C. F2
D. None of these- you can’t cross P1 organisms with each other!

18. If a trait shows INCOMPLETE DOMINANCE which genotype must an organism be to show the INTERMEDIATE BLENDED PHENOTYPE? 

19. A ________________ trait is controlled by two or more genes. 

20. The branch of biology that studies how characteristics are transmitted from parent to offspring is called _______________.







Blood cell images by Riedell

21.Which of the cells above shows what the surface of a blood cell looks like in a person with a BO GENOTYPE?

22. Give an example of a POLYGENIC trait in humans.

23. Which blood type is called the “universal recipient"?

24. A ______________ trait (like A, B, and O blood type) is controlled by three or more alleles for the same gene.

25. A characteristic that can be observed such as hair color, seed shape, or flower color is called a ______________

26. Which molecule found on the surface of blood cells is responsible for producing blood types?


Image by Riedell

27. Is the genotype in the circled box heterozygous or homozygous?



  R = round   T= tall     Y = yellow peas   P = purple flowers

  r= wrinkled  t = short  y = green peas    p = white flowers

28. Give the GENOTYPE for a HOMOZYGOUS GREEN pea plant.

29. Give the GENOTYPE for a HYBRID TALL pea plant.

30. Give the GENOTYPE for a PURE ROUND pea plant.

If you crossed TtRr X TtRr parents, what is the probability of producing:
 31. tall wrinkled offspring?
  32. tall round offspring?


33. Deafness in dogs is caused by a recessive gene (d). 

Use the Punnett square provided on the back of your answer sheet to show the offspring of a cross between a HETEROZYGOUS HEARING DOG and a DEAF dog.

Dog image from:



34. The ability to roll your tongue is DOMINANT (R)
non-rolling (r).  

Use the Punnett square provided on the back of your answer sheet to show the offspring of a cross between A HOMOZYGOUS TONGUE ROLLER and a PURE NON-ROLLER.

Image from:



35. Having a “widow’s peak” is DOMINANT (W) over a straight hairline (w).

Show the offspring of a cross between a HOMOZYGOUS WIDOW'S PEAK MOM and a DAD that is HETEROZYGOUS for the WIDOW’S PEAK allele.

Image from:


In humans which combination of sex chromosomes makes you a female?


37. X linked traits like hemophilia or colorblindness show up more frequently in ______________.  (males    females)

38. The chromosomes that DO NOT determine sex  are called ________________.

39.The branch of genetics that studies the molecules that sit on top of the DNA and control which genes are turned on or off is called ____________________.

40. Name the chemical "tags" that are added to DNA to turn off genes.

41. Name an environmental factor that can cause changes in your epigenetic "tags".















1. Gregor Mendel
2. allele
3. B-heterozygous
4. F2
5. heredity
7. Mm
8. pure-breeding
9.A-complete dominance
10. TT
11. tt
12. B incomplete dominance
13. phenotype
14. recessive
15. C-codominance
16. hybrid
17. F1
18. D-heterozygous
19. polygenic
20. genetics
21. E-B type cells only have B glycoproteins
22. human height, intelligence, skin color, hair color
23. AB (positive)
24. multiple allele
25. trait
26. glycoproteins
27. Tt
28. yy (two lower case y)
29. Tt
30. RR
31. 3/16 tall and wrinkled seeds
32. 9/16 Tall and round seeds


50% Dd (hearing)
50% dd (deaf)


GENOTYPE- 100 % Tt
PHENOTYPE- all tongue rollers



50%    Ww = widow's peak
50%    ww  = no widow's peak


36. XX
37. males
38. autosomes
39. epigenetics
40. methyl groups
41. diet, exercise, stress, chemicals in environment