1. Name the two geologists whose ideas about the age of the earth and processes that shaped it influenced Darwin.


2.  These are examples of ________________ structures because they come from the same embryonic tissue.


3. Name 5 kinds of evidence that support Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. (We talked about more than 5)


4. Breeding cows that give the most milk or the fastest horses is an example of   __________   ___________



5. Darwin’s idea that each living species has DESCENDED WITH CHANGES from other species over time is called __________  ______  ___________ 

6. The ability of an organism to SURVIVE AND REPRODUCE in its environment is called __________.


7. Lamarck proposed that organisms could alter the size or shape of their bodies through use or disuse and pass these traits on to their offspring.
This idea is called
________  ___  _________  ______.



8. EXPLAIN why he was incorrect.




 9. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS like walrus tusks & porcupine quills or BEHAVIORAL CHARACTERISTICS like hibernating & living in herds are examples of inherited traits that help an organism to SURVIVE AND REPRODUCE in its environment called ________


10. In addition to observing living organisms, Darwin studied the preserved remains of ancient organisms called ____________________.

11. Name the island where Darwin observed finches, iguanas, and turtles that led to his Theory of Evolution. 

12. A well-supported testable explanation of phenomena that have occurred in the natural world is called a ______________.

13. The process in which organisms that are better suited to their environment survive and reproduce is called ________________ ____ ____ ___________.

14. Which of the following is NOT part of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution?

   A. Organisms in a population show a natural variation in heritable traits.

    B. Organisms must compete for resources because organisms produce more offspring than can survive.

    C. Individuals best suited to their environment will survive and reproduce most successfully passing on their traits.

    D. Species alive today are descended with modification from ancestral species that lived in the distant past.

    E. Evolution unites all organisms into a single “tree of life”

    F. Acquired traits can be inherited.


15. ________________ organs like hipbones in snakes are reduced in size and no longer functional.

16. Give an example of #15.  


17. Name the naturalist whose ideas about evolution were similar to Darwin’s and who prompted Darwin to publish his book “On the Origin of Species”.


18. Whales and wolves share a common ancestor but don’t look anything alike. This is an example of __________________ evolution.

19. Whales and sharks are not closely related but have similar body shapes.
This is an example of __________________ evolution.

20. Tell one reason why human chromosome #2 suggests a relationship between humans and chimpanzees.

21. Genes that have mutated so they are no longer functional are called _____________.

22. Name the 5 conditions required to maintain genetic equilibrium under the HARDY-WEINBERG PRINCIPLE.

23. If a population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium then evolution  ____________ happen.
does    does not      

24. TRUE OR FALSE  Most of the time in most populations the conditions for Hardy-Weinberg DO NOT ALL EXIST.


25. ______________traits are determined by more than one gene and show this kind of distribution (like lima bean length, human intelligence, or skin color)


26. Match the kind of selection with the graph shown below

  A B C

27. In genetic terms, ________________ is a change in the relative frequency of alleles in a population.


Description: http://www.kidopo.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/bee-and-a-flower.gif 28. Name the pattern of macroevolution in which two organisms evolve in response to changes in each other (like flowers and their pollinators)


29. The process by which organisms with different recent ancestors change to become more alike because they live in the same kind of environment is called _____________________ evolution

                                  convergent    divergent


30. Name the pattern of macroevolution in which populations show a pattern of long stable periods interrupted by brief periods of rapid change.








31. Name the two mathematicians who came up with an equation to show the allele frequencies in a population and describe evolution in populations.

32. Another name for divergent evolution is ______________  _______________.

33. The process by which organisms that share recent common ancestors change to become different is called _________________________ evolution.

   convergent    divergent

34. Darwin believed that evolution HAPPENED SLOWLY OVER A LONG PERIOD OF TIME called _______________


35. Evidence suggests that at the end of the Cretaceous period an asteroid hit the Earth causing the loss of many species including the dinosaurs. This is an example of what pattern of evolution? 

36. A population of birds lives in an area where plants with medium sized seeds are wiped out by a fungal infection. Birds with unusually large or small beaks would have higher fitness than those with medium sized beaks. Over time the population splits into two subgroups; one that eats small seeds and one that eats large seeds.
This is an example of _______________ selection.

             Disruptive  Directional  Stabilizing

37. In birds, feather color among males is more likely to attract a mate, but also more likely to attract a predator.  Over time and many generations, the highest frequency color is for males with medium colors, while males with very dull colors and males with very bright colors became increasingly rare. This is an example of ________________ selection.

                                                                        Disruptive    Directional   Stabilizing


38. The last test in Biology class was extremely hard. A graph of the scores shows a bell shaped curve with the average score being a 68% D. The teacher curves the test scores so that the new class average is a 77% C. The graph that shows this change in the grading scale would look similar to a graph showing which kind of selection?

 Disruptive Directional Stabilizing















1. HUTTON & LYELL                                                                 
2. HOMOLOGOUS                                                                                                                                                                       
  Artificial selections works, Fossils,  DNA/molecule                   
    Geographic distribution, Antibiotic resistance,                 
     homologous structures/vestigial organs,                         
     embryology, pseudogenes, human chromosome #2
     new diseases (AIDS, bird flu), see it happen                    

4. Artificial selection
5. descent with modification                                               
6. Fitness                                                                                
7. inheritance of acquired traits                                           
8. only traits in genes are passed on                                     
9. adaptations                                                                        
10. fossils                                                                               
11. Galapagos
12. theory                                                                               
13. survival of the fittest                                                        
14. F                                                                                       
15. vestigial                                                                            
16. hipbones in whales/snakes, skink legs, appendix in humans
  Alfred Wallace                                                               
18. divergent evolution (adaptive radiation)            
19. convergent evolution                                                       
20 . Banding pattern matches, telomeres in middle where not supposed to be, extra inactive centromere, no natural selection
21. pseudogenes
22. Large population, random mating,
 no mutations, no movement in or out, no natural selection
23. Does NOT
 A-disruptive       B-Directional     C-Stabilizing
27. evolution
28. coevolution
29. convergent
30. Punctuated equilibrium
31. Hardy & Weinberg
32. Adaptive radiation
33. divergent
34. gradualism
35. Mass extinction
36. disruptive
37. stabilizing

38. directional