CARD REVIEW (We did this in class)
Fill in the blanks on your answer sheet.




Name this molecule which has a polar head and two non-polar tails and is used to make cell membranes.




2. Molecules (like lipids) that are “water fearing” and try to stay away from water and other polar molecules are called  ___________________.


3. Organisms like green plants that can get their energy by making their own food are called ________________.



4.  A “living thing” can also be called an ____________________.




5.  Name this molecule. 


6. Tell the function of the molecule at the right.





7. The nitrogen base that is NOT found in RNA is _______________.


Adenine      Guanine    Cytosine      Thymine     Uracil



8. The process in which cells change as they grow to become different kinds of cells with different functions is called _________________.


9. Type of reproduction in which genetic material from two parents is combined to produce offspring.


10. The sum of all the chemical reactions that build up and break down molecules in cells is called



11. Cells always try to maintain a stable internal environment. This is called ____________________.




12. Which of the following

molecules could you join together to make a polysaccharide?








Phospholipid, nucleotide, aminoacid images by Riedell:
Glucose Image from:

13. A molecule with an uneven distribution of electric charges (more positive on one side and more negative on the other) is called ____________.



14.Which of the molecules
at the right is an amino acid?







15.  The subunits used to make proteins  are ________________.

Amino      Nucleic       Sugars        lipids       nitrogen       
acids       acids                                    bases



16.Which of these molecules could you

use to build a DNA molecule?







17. Animal cells store glucose as ________________.

starch    glycogen   cellulose     glycoproteins      ATP



18. DNA and RNA are both_________________________.

Amino      Nucleic   carbohydrates     lipids     proteins       
acids       acids



19.  The science that studies all living things is called ___________.


20.  Water is a ________ molecule.

        Polar             non-polar




21. This type of chemical reaction is called ________________.

(HINT: Look what is happening...
You are removing water to make a bond)



22.  Humans are _________  _________.

                 unicellular       autotrophs

                    OR              OR

               multicellular       heterotrophs 


#23.      #24.      #25. 
Name 3 characteristics shared by all living things.


26. The chemical symbol for a potassium ion is ____.


27. The changing of a population of organisms over time is called______________ .

28. The protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen is called ________________.


Image from: Biology Pearson Prentice Hall © 2006
29. Name D in this diagram showing an enzyme catalyzed reaction.



30. If this molecule was used
to make RNA tell one of the
nitrogen bases that could be used here.





 Image by Riedell

31. ______________ is the opposite of dehydration synthesis.

32.  Which part of a phospholipid is polar?    Head   OR   Tails                









































1. phospholipids
2. hydrophobic
3. autotrophs
4. organism
5. glycoprotein
6. helps cells recognize "self"; cell identification
7. Thymine is not found in RNA
8. differentiation
9. sexual reproduction
11. homeostasis
12. D (glucose) could be used to make polysaccharides
13. polar
14. B is an amino acid
15. Amino acids are used to make proteins
16. C is a NUCLEOTIDE used to make nucleic acids (DNA & RNA)
17. glycogen
18. DNA & RNA are nucleic acids (that's what the NA stands for!)
19. biology
20. water is POLAR
21. dehydration synthesis
22. multicellular heterotrophs

23-25. Made of cells
    Contain universal genetic code
    Grow & develop
    Respond to their environment
    Obtain and use materials and energy (metabolism)
    Maintain stable internal conditions (homeostasis)
    As a group, change over time (evolution)
26. K+
27. evolution
28. hemoglobin
29. enzyme-substrate complex
30. A, U, C, or G can be used to make RNA
31. Hydrolysis is the opposite of dehydration synthesis
32. The head is polar