BIOSPHERE CARD REVIEW (We did this in class)
Fill in your answer sheet, then check answers at end.

1. Name the 3 kinds of symbiosis you learned about.


2. Name one way CARBON is added to the atmosphere during the carbon cycle.


3. Name TWO of the FOUR ways you learned about that organisms interact in an ecosystem.


4. Food chains always have a(n)______________ on their first trophic level.

5. Process in which bacteria convert nitrates into nitrogen gas and release it into the atmosphere.


6. Which of these is a decomposer?




7. The process in which water from plant leaves evaporates into the atmosphere is _______________.


8. Name the biogeochemical cycle you learned about that does not cycle through the atmosphere.


9. Which of the following is NOT part of the nitrogen cycle?


   Denitrification   Nitrogen fixation    Photosynthesis        Addition of fertilizer      Waste excretion by animals

10. TRUE OR FALSE  Humans get the nitrogen they need from the atmosphere.


11. Which of these is a herbivore?



12. Name a biomolecule found in living things that contains NITROGEN.


13. The water cycle is also called the _______________ cycle.


14. Name this kind of symbiosis shown between bees and flowers.  


15. Make a food chain out of the following:      herbivore        omnivore        producer


16. Name the biogeochemical cycle that includes:
       run off, precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, and condensation,


17. Put the following in order of increasing complexity.

      biosphere    population    organism       ecosystem    community    biome



18. Bacteria in the soil that have a symbiotic relationship with legumes can turn nitrogen gas into ____________ in a process called nitrogen fixation.

19. Type of symbiosis in which one organism benefits but the other is neither helped nor harmed.


20.  Name THREE of the FOUR biogeochemical cycles you learned about.


21. Name something organisms have to compete for in an ecosystem.


22. An organism’s ___________ describes where it lives, what it eats, what eats it, how it interacts with other organisms, how and when it reproduces, and how it acts.

23. Name this type of symbiosis.

24. Which organisms are necessary for producing ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites during the nitrogen cycle?


25. All the non-living things in an ecosystem that affect an organism

are called ___________ factors.


26. Some bacteria that live in hostile places (like volcano vents) can produce their own food WITHOUT LIGHT in a process called _________________

27. Organisms that feed on dead plant & animal remains are called ____________________.


28. Each step in a food chain or web is called a ___________ level.


29. A ______________ is anything needed by an organism for life.


30. A nutrient that is in short supply or that cycles slowly which limits population growth is called a ____________________.


31. Which biogeochemical cycle includes a reservoir underground stored as fossil fuels?


32. _____________ is the process in which water vapor turns back into liquid form.


33. Name the type of symbiosis between legumes and nitrogen fixing bacteria.


34. The __________________ principle states that no two species can share the same niche at the same time.

35. In this food chain, the mouse is a ____________________ consumer.

36. In this ecosystem, which population of consumers would be the largest?


37. Tell how a detritivore is different from a decomposer.


38. Tell the group of organisms that the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles have in common that keep matter cycling between the living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem.


39. Tell the process that all cycles have in common that links land and surface water.


40. In which process do plants remove CO2 from the atmosphere during the carbon cycle?

41. The largest number of organisms that can live in an area is called _________________________




1. mutualism                                



2. burning fossil fuels                              

   Volcanic activity                         


   decomposition of dead matter         

3. competition                               



4. producer/autotroph                     

5. denitrification                           

6. mushroom (fungi)                        

7. transpiration                                   

8. phosphorus cycle                        

9. photosynthesis                           
10. false; from food                             

11. cow                                            
12. proteins, amino acids, DNA, RNA, ATP

13. hydrologic

14. mutualism

15. producer herbivore omnivore

16. water (hydrologic)

17. organism population community ecosystem biome biosphere  

18. ammonia
19. Commensalism

20. carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, water

21. food, shelter,territory/space, light, water, mates
22. niche
23. parasitism

24. bacteria
25. abiotic 
26. chemosynthesis
27. detritivores
28. trophic
29. resource
30. Limiting factor
31. Carbon cycle
32. Condensation
33. mutualism
34. Competitive exclusion principle

35. Secondary consumer

36. grasshoppers; each level has to be supported by the organisms below
37. Detrivores eat with mouth; decomposers absorb through surface

38. decomposers

39.  runoff

40.  photosynthesis
41. carrying capacity