1. When water enters a plant cell the osmotic pressure inside will ____________.


                  INCREASE      DECREASE



2. Name a kind of transport that uses VESICLES.



 3. The dots in this diagram represent dissolved solute molecules.
This diagram represents a cell placed in  a _____________ solution.

             hypertonic      isotonic      hypotonic


4. The “cell” in this diagram will _____________.


          shrink        swell and burst     stay the same size


 5. Name a kind of substance that would move across a membrane using a PROTON PUMP.


6. Tell the kind of transport used by Golgi bodies to release molecules leaving cells.


7. The shrinking of an animal cell when placed in a hypertonic solution is called ______________.


8. Which cell organelle provides the ATP for active transport?


9. All membrane transport proteins are  _______________ proteins.

                                                               peripheral     integral


 10.  The diffusion of WATER from HIGH concentration to LOW concentration across a semi-permeable membrane is called ___________


11. Tell the kind of transport “helper” used to transport GLUCOSE across cell membranes.


12. The dots in this diagram represent dissolved solute molecules.
This diagram represents a cell placed in a _____________ solution.

                 hypertonic   isotonic    hypotonic

13. What will happen if this “cell” is an animal  cell?

       crenation         plasmolysis        cytolysis

14. __________ transport does not require energy.

15.  Sodium-potassium pumps move ______  out of cells and _____ into cells.



16. A solution whose solute concentration is HIGHER OUTSIDE than inside a cell is called ____________


17.  What will happen to the osmotic pressure inside a plant cell placed in this kind of solution?


18.  Name a kind of transport you learned about that is PASSIVE.


19. Name a kind of transport that does NOT need any help to move molecules across cell membranes.

20. Give an example of a molecule that might use this kind of transport.


21. Which molecule is transported across cell membranes by Aquaporins?


22. Molecules will automatically move from an area with ______ concentration to an area of _______ concentration."

                                                                                                     low to high           high to low

23.  The type of endocytosis in which a cell takes in large particles or whole cells.


24. Plasmolysis happens to plant cells placed in    a _________ solution.
                                                           hypertonic      isotonic      hypotonic



25. Name the small membrane bound sac which helps move molecules or whole cells across a cell membrane

26. OSMOSIS  is ________ transport


                    ACTIVE           PASSIVE


27. Type of endocytosis in which a cell takes in small molecules or fluids.





                                                                                        ACTIVE           PASSIVE


29. Name the energy molecule that provides the power for active transport.


30. Which prefix means “greater than” ?

A.   hypo
B.    hyper
C.    iso"
D.   cyto


31. Which of the following would be an example of simple diffusion?

A.   rotten egg smell spreading through the school after a stink bomb
B.    nerve cells recharging with a Na – K pump
C.    water being poured into a glass
D.   blood cells shrinking in salt water



32. The dots in this diagram represent dissolved solute molecules.     
What will happen if this “cell” is an animal  cell?

A. Water leaving will be greater than water entering
B. Water entering will be greater than water leaving
C. Water leaving will equal water entering.

 33.  Name a kind of transport that uses membrane proteins to move molecules across a membrane.


34. Type of transport in which the cell membrane surrounds the substance and pulls it into the cell

and releases it inside the cell in a vesicle


35. The Na+-K+ PUMP  is ________ transport


                      ACTIVE           PASSIVE


36. The pressure caused by water pushing against a cell membrane is called ___________ pressure.













1. increase
2. Exocytosis, endocytosis, phagocytosis, or pinocytosis
3. isotonic
4. Stay the same size
5. H+ ions
6. exocytosis
7. crenation
8. mitochondria
9. integral
11. carrier proteins
12. hypotonic
13. cytolysis
14. passive
15. 3 Na+ out and 2 K+ in
16. hypertonic
17. decrease
18. Diffusion, facilitated diffusion with carrier proteins,
         ion channels, or aquaporins
19. diffusion
20. Oxygen or carbon dioxide
21. water
22. high to low
23. phagocytosis
24. hypertonic
25.  vesicle
26. passive
27. pinocytosis
28. passive
29. ATP
30. B- Hyper
31. A-rotten egg smell
32. B more water will enter than leave
33. Facilitated diffusion with ion channels, carrier proteins, aquaporins, proton pumps, Na+-K+ pumps
34. endocytosis
35. active

36. osmotic