Use of our material:

All original materials link are created by Kelly Riedell for students in Biology/Zoology classes at Brookings High School  and are licensed under a Creative Commons Atribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

We have worked very hard on activities, Powerpoints/games/worksheets, etc to make this a resource for our students. If you are using our materials, please give us credit for our efforts by listing us as a source with links to our site. DO NOT USE these materials for commercial purposes. PLEASE DO NOT POST ANSWER KEYS FOR OUR MATERIALS TO OTHER WEBSITES!
Any questions, comments, or corrections can be directed to Kelly Riedell at


REEBOP GENETICS This activity is modified from an activity developed by Patti Soderberg, with support from a grant to the Center for Biology Education, UW-Madison, from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

1. Print and cut out the chromosome cutouts . Print one set on blue paper for dad and one set on pink paper for mom. Divide class in half. Each student will be either a dad or mom.

2. Print out decoder keys. (color in leg color symbols with correct colors) 

If you laminate the chromosome sets and decoders they are reusable and last longer.

3. Prepare Egg and Sperm containers ahead of time.
Eggs are medium size plastic Easter eggs. Sperm are smaller size plastic Easter eggs with a short piece of curling ribbon taped on to make a tail. 

4. Give each student a set of chromosomes, a decoder key, and 2 plastic Easter eggs prepared earlier.
Moms get 2 "egg" containers. Dads get 2 "sperm" containers. All moms and dads are heterozygous for all alleles.

Reebop slide show

5. Students will lay out their chromosomes on their desk and use the decoder key to determine what their parent Reebop looks like and draw a picture in their Reebop handout..

6. Follow directions in Reebop handout to make gametes. 
Match up homologous pairs by size and number and place face down on desk. Choose one of each size chromosome and place in a plastic Easter egg to represent a sperm or egg. Remaining chromosomes are placed in 2nd container.

7. Students find a partner to trade with and combine the chromosomes from their egg & sperm containers to "make a baby". Follow directions in Reebop handout to lay out chromosomes on desk, write down the baby's genotype, use the decoder to figure out what the baby will look like, and draw its picture.  Use chromosomes in 2nd sperm & egg containers to "make a 2nd baby". Write down this baby's genotype and draw its picture. Answer handout ?'s.


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Reebop images by Riedell