Input and Output Devices Projects

November 2014

Directions: Create a table listing at least five examples of input and output devices.
Include WordArt, a page border, and clip art. Merge the cells of the headings.

Click on each link to see an example of this student project.

Devices Projects/Alex.pdf Devices Projects/Brea.pdf
Devices Projects/Daniel.pdf Devices Projects/Drew.pdf
Devices Projects/Emily.pdf Devices Projects/Gavan.pdf
Devices Projects/Grace.pdf Devices Projects/Gracie.pdf
Devices Projects/Israel.pdf Devices Projects/Jacob.pdf
Devices Projects/Jasmine.pdf Devices Projects/Jessica.pdf
Devices Projects/Kellen.pdf Devices Projects/Lisa.pdf
Devices Projects/Matt.pdf Devices Projects/Raesa.pdf
Devices Projects/Rebecca.pdf Devices Projects/Riley.pdf
Devices Projects/Samaria.pdf Devices Projects/Sofia.pdf
Devices Projects/Stefan.pdf Devices Projects/Tess.pdf