(These are your ?'s that were submitted in class today)
You can check your answers at the end.


1. Echinoderms are:
    A. protostomes and triploblastic
    B. deuterostomes and diploblastic
    C. deuterostomes and triploblastic
    D. protostomes and diploblastic

2. Which phylum's organisms are covered by a tough coat called a cuticle?
    A. Platyhelminthes
    B. Annelida
    C. Nematoda
    D. Phoronida

3. Bacterial cell walls contain
    A. cellulose
    B. peptidoglycan
    C. starch
    D. chitin

4. The subgroup of mammals characterized by having a true placenta is
    A. marsupials
    B. echinoderms
    C. monotremes
    D. eutherians

5. Which group of invertebrates exhibits segmentation, bilateral symmetry, and a true coelom?

6. To which domain do extremophiles, organisms that live in extreme environments such as hydrothermal vents, volcanic springs, and highly saline lakes, belong?

7. Which group includes acoelomates?
    A. Platyhelminthes
    B. Nematoda
    C. Annelida
    D. Echinodermata

8. Birds and Reptiles excrete uric acid because
    A. It has no nitroge waste
    B. It takes the least amount of water to dilute
    C. It is least toxic
    D. It is most toxic
    E. B and C

9. The domains Bacteria and Archaea have the following in common EXCEPT:
    A. No nucleus
    B. No membrane bound organelles
    C. Few gene introns
    D. unicellular
    E. Asexual reproduction

10. All of the following are vertebrates EXCEPT
    A. dogs
    B. humans
    C. amphibians
    D. starfish
    E. birds

11. Advantages of having a eucoelom include all  of the above EXCEPT
    A. allow movement and digestion at the same time
    B. provide a space for digestive waste to be stored
    C. provides a place for internal organs
    D. provides a hydrostatic skeleton for animals without a skeleton

12. Give a unique characteristic of ________________, which are the only invertebrate deuterostomes.

13. Which of the following kingdoms may reproduce asexually by releasing spores?
    A. protists
    B. animals
    C. fungi
    D. bacteria

14. Which of the following groups has a true coelom, bilateral symmetry, dorsal nerve cord, ventral heart, and provides milk for its young?
    A. echinoderms
    B. chordates
    C. mammals
    D. arthropods

15. Which of the following would be described as an endothermic coelomate with lungs, a 4 chambered heart, and excrete their nitrogen waste as uric acid?
    A. fish
    B. turtle
    C. human
    D. bird

16. Which animal group has no symmetry, no coelom, and no segmentation?
    A. Chordata
    B. Mollusca
    C. Porifera
    D. Cnidaria
















1. C.-Echinderms are deuterostomes and triploblastic
2. B- Annelida are covered by a cuticle.
3. B- Bacterial cell walls contain peptidoglycan
4. D- Eutherians (commonly called placental mammals) have a true placenta.
5. Annelids including earthworms and leeches.
6. Archaea are extremophiles.
7. Platyhelminthes are acoelomates
8. E-Uric acid is the least toxic form of nitrogen waste and takes the least amount of water to dilute
(Excreting uric acid conserves water)
9. Bacteria and Archaea have all of these in common except C. Only Archaea have a few gene introns.
10. All are vertebrates except starfish.
11. All are true except B. Digestive waste is not stored in the coelom.
12. Echinodermata-spiny skin, water vascular system with tube feet
13. Fungi release spores.
14. Only mammals make milk for their young.
15. bird
16. Porifera